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3 years ago
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Looking for free online tools to support resident training on early childhood development?  Created by clinicians, The Keystones of Development curriculum trains primary care providers ...

3 years ago
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This session will focus on the unique experiences of Behavioral Science faculty as compared to physician faculty and how to build relationships to address professional struggles. We ...

3 years ago
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3 years ago
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This resource contains the detailed course curriculum for Stanford Medical School's "Primary Care Defined: Perspectives and Procedures" elective as well as the procedural workshop supplies ...

3 years ago
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About the Family Medicine Attitudes Instrument: The instrument was developed by Julie Phillips, MD, MPHa; Jacob Prunuske, MD, MSPHb; Laurie Fitzpatricka; and Brian Mavis, PhDa and refined ...

3 years ago
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Conference poster

3 years ago
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Accompanying material for Brief Report submission under the same title.

3 years ago
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This presentation was a Keynote speech at the 2020 Forum on Behavioral Science.  The presentation was discussion based, and described how to approach the topic of racism in medical ...

3 years ago
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A clinically integrated network (CIN) of safety net clinics that are teaching sites for medical and other health professions was developed to create a platform student and resident ...
