The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Improving Adult Immunization Rates within African American Communities

09-06-2022 10:08

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) was awarded a Cooperative Agreement to educate, implement and, measure adult immunization rates within African American communities, through a multi-faceted approach within the patient-centered medical home. To accomplish this, the AAFP conducted the "Improving Adult Immunization Rates within African American Communities project," with the objective to educate family physicians and their health care teams about effective strategies to implement and measure how to increase adult immunizations rates among African Americans.

Author(s):Denee Moore, MD, FAAFP; Martha Shepherd, DO, MPH, FAAFP; Mina Khan, MD, FAAFP
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The aim of this quality improvement (QI) project is to educate practices on how to establish goals, measure results, implement interventions, track their progress, and sustain their results.

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