Maternal Infant Dyad - Implementation (MInD-I): Collaborative Care Model for Perinatal Depression in Primary Care

12-04-2019 16:54

Behavioral health integration (BHI) in primary care settings is a national priority. There is robust evidence of population-level benefits using the collaborative care model (CoCM), a complex team-based approach. As part of a national implementation trial, four primary care clinics at the University of Washington adopted the CoCM model for the care of perinatal depression. With the support of an external facilitator and ongoing clinical training, each clinic is working out how to transform an existing parallel model of care to a team-based one in which mental health care delivery by PCPs is supported by care management and psychiatric consultation. This poster highlights the experiences of one academic family medicine clinic through weekly implementation meetings to identify and overcome barriers of colocated mental health care and develop workflows for screening, triage, and treatment of suicidal ideation. A continuous quality improvement (QI) approach with iterative plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles frames the adaptation work of the CoCM approach in this setting. An interdisciplinary collaboration with family medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics-gynecology, psychiatry, nursing, and social work providers is also utilized.

Author(s):Nelson Chiu, Erin Baumbach, Sandy Cinkovich-Wilson, Kimberly Collins, Mark Duncan, Daniel Evans, Jodi Lewis, Alexis Miller, Pamela Pentin, Almira Rexhaj, Valerie Ross, Ashley Stevens, Jessica Wagner, and Ian M. Bennett
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