Behavioral Science Curriculum Development: From Principles to Practice

09-11-2020 11:37

This seminar provides practical and theoretical guidance for curriculum development, an essential skill for Behavioral Science educators. We will outline a logical process, give examples of successful models for diverse settings, and provide resources and strategies for assessment, development and design. Participants will learn general principles of curriculum development and design, including tools and resources that move their curriculum forward and considers the multiple factors that enhance or hinder behavioral science curriculum development. New faculty will be able to quickly ramp up their knowledge and skills in key behavioral science content areas. Mid-to-later career faculty will develop a greater understanding of the curricular strengths and weaknesses of their residency programs with regard to the core principles of Behavioral Science, Family Medicine Milestones and Residency Review Committee standards. Regardless of career level, participants will leave with strategies and tools to develop or enhance their behavioral science curriculum. We will provide frameworks to effectively address the behavioral science training needs of residents to help them thrive in a rapidly transforming health care system.

Author(s):Julie Schirmer, LCSW, Robert McKinney, PhD, Grace Pratt, PhD, LMFT, and Kathryn Fraser, PhD
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4 Files
pdf file
Daytona Behavioral Medicine curriculum revised June 2020.pdf   350 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-17-2020
pdf file
Maine Medical Center Behavioral Science Curriculum   929 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-11-2020
pptx file
Presentation Powerpoint   8.81 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-11-2020
pdf file
Presentation Worksheets and Curriculum Summaries   1.22 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-11-2020
Includes curriculum summaries, worksheets to: 1) assess FMRP factors relevant to Behavioral Medicine Curriculum, 2) evaluate one's own program on addressing Behavioral Medicine content, 3) develop an action plan on Behavioral Medicine curriculum development in one's own program

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