Mood Disorders Clerkship Curriculum

12-06-2019 15:45

Diagnosing and managing mood disorders is an essential and integral part of family medicine practice.  The family medicine clerkship is an ideal opportunity for medical students to experience the diagnosis and management of the most common mood disorders.  These two patient cases utilize interactive Socratic discussion to teach the comprehensive family medicine approach to caring for patients with depression and anxiety as well as how to assess for bipolar disorder.  The Mood Disorders Curriculum document provides the purpose, content, and methods overview, objectives, and references.  A Facilitator Guide with complete evidence supported discussion points and "answers," and a Student Guide are provided here.  Students are expected to complete the indicated pre-readings (in the yellow highlight on the reference list), review assessment tools and come prepared to actively participate in the discussion.  The pre-readings and assessment tools are posted online in course-ware.  Students have access to the full DSM-5 through the university library; however, a document with the diagnostic criteria for depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder 1 and 2 citing the DSM-5 is posted for ease of reference.  The Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9), Edinburgh Depression Scale, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7), and Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) are posted in course-ware.  Following the session, students are provided with the Student Points, which are the same information contained in the Facilitator Guide.

Author(s):Patricia Shrestha, MD, Alesia Hawkins Jones, PhD, Isaac Cha, PharmD, Inis Jane Bardella, MD, FAAFP, Koren Ganas, PsyD
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4 Files
docx file
Mood Disorders Curriculum Summary   18 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-06-2019
Description of Curriculum: Purpose, objectives, format, methods, reference list with student pre-readings highlighted.
docx file
Mood Disorders Cases - Facilitator Guide   26 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-26-2019
Facilitator version of the cases with complete evidence supported discussion points, "answers" and reference list.
docx file
Mood Disorders Cases - Student Guide   20 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-26-2019
Student version of the cases with basic patient history followed by open-ended questions for discussion to develop clinical thinking and reasoning. Students are expected to have completed the pre-readings highlighted on the reference list and reviewed assessment tools posted in courseware, and come prepared to actively participate.
docx file
Mood Disorders - Student Points   20 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-26-2019
The Students Points are provided to students after the case discussions are completed. This is the same evidence supported information contained in the Facilitator Guide. This insures all students have received all the information relevant to the cases.

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