Using the FMEA tool in Resident Patient Safety Education

12-02-2019 16:56

Promoting patient safety is necessary in graduate medical education. A systematic review of didactic and experiential patient safety instruction showed improved knowledge and favorable changes in safety-related behaviors. The failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a novel tool for assessing and reducing patient safety risks strategies by supporting longitudinal interprofessional analysis of processes. Therefore, we implemented the FMEA, as part of a resident patient safety curriculum, at Community Health of South Florida, Inc. Residents were educated on FMEA assessments; then assigned to use the FMEA to evaluate high-risk processes. Residents assessed processes interdepartmentally, followed by a workgroup (quarterly) with core faculty, risk management, administration, and corespondents, to assess the process and propose next steps. Results of the after-hours calls project is presented. Breakdown points include provider not receiving messages and no record of call in the electronic health record. QI strategies implemented include a texting application for providers’ receipt of messages, and telephone encounter note template in the EHR. Resident use of the FMEA tool enhances education and involvement in patient safety processes.

Author(s):Abiona Redwood
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