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Abortion Training and Access Collaborative

Addictions Collaborative
Promoting addiction treatment education in family medicine residencies, as well as prevention, & treatment of substance use disorders in model units.

Gregory Jaffe, MD, MSE, Chair 

Artificial Intelligence in Education Collaborative
This collaborative will serve as a dedicated platform for educators, researchers, and enthusiasts to come together, exchange ideas, and explore the possibilities of AI in education. By pooling our collective expertise and resources, we can create a space that nurtures innovation and drives positive change in the way we educate and empower future generations.

Karim Hanna, MD, Cochair
Joshua Steinberg, MD, Cochair

Care of Infants, Children, and Adolescents Collaborative
Promoting idea exchange/collaboration on child health training in family medicine clerkships & residencies by faculty, residents, & students.

Aimee Mankodi, MD Chair

Caring for and Supporting People with Disabilities Collaborative
Improving the health care of persons with disabilities by developing educational materials for health care providers, providing advocacy at all levels of government, doing research; and creating medical centers of excellence that are accessible, provide needed accommodations, and support for persons with disabilities and their caregivers, and increasing the number of physicians with disabilities by providing support for current medical students, residents, and practicing physicians with disabilities and increasing the number of students with disabilities accepted by US medical schools
Catherine Churgay, MD, Chair

Competency Based Medical Education Assessments CollaborativeA shared space to disseminate materials developed by past, current, and future course participants as well as collate materials created within STFM around best practices for family medicine resident/residency assessment.

Brea Bondi-Boyd, MD, Cochair
Allison Coy, MD, Cochair
Kathleen Young, PhD, MPH, Cochair
Elise Laflamme, MD, Cochair

Ethics and Humanities Collaborative
Sharing resources and fostering collaboration around ethics and humanities research, teaching, and clinical work.
Philip Day, Cochair, Cochair

Jocelyn Wilson, MD, MPH, Cochair

Evidence Based Medicine Collaborative
Developing and disseminating materials for obtaining skills to practice and teach evidence-based medicine.
Martha Johnson, MD, MHS, cochair
Kate Rowland, MD, cochair

Faculty Development Collaborative
Identifying existing resources from established faculty development efforts and sharing them throughout family medicine in an efficient manner as well.

Drew Keister, MD, Chair
Stacy Ogbeide, MSc;PsyD, Chair Elect

Family and Behavioral Health Collaborative
Serving as a forum for the discussion, collaboration, and communication on issues relevant to family systems and behavioral health within family medicine.
Randall Reitz, PhD, Cochair

Grace Pratt, PhD, Cochair
Krithika Malhotra, PHD, Cochair

Family Centered Perinatal Care Collaborative
Keeping family medicine invested in perinatal care, standardizing procedural assessment forms, and creating a toolkit for new residency & fellow graduates.
Liz Pietralczyk, MD, MPH, Chair
Charity Lehn, MD, Past Chair

Learning Networks Collaborative
Providing education, collaboration, and resources for those who currently lead or who aspire to lead a family medicine learning network.
Richard A Guthmann, MD, MPH, Chair
Nicole Freund, PhD, MA, MBA, Chair-elect

Global Health Educators Collaborative
Promoting understanding and teaching of family medicine throughout the world and strengthening collaborations to advance global development
Mariquita"Kit" Belen, MD, Chair
Charles Fleischer,  MD, Chair-elect

HIV and Viral Hepatitis Collaborative
Promote teaching of HIV & Viral Hepatitis curricula in family medicine residencies, AOCs & fellowships

Marshall Millier, MD,cochair

Margaret Russell, MD, MA, cochair

Home Based Primary Care Collaborative
Facilitate the sharing of each other's experiences and resources to enhance the teaching and providing of home-based primary care within our family medicine residencies
Edward (Ed) C. Foley, MD, cochair
Domenic Casablanca, MD, cochair

Hospital and Procedural Training Collaborative
Improving patient care by defining and promoting the provision of procedural and hospital care by family physician

Brandon Williamson, MD, Chair

Integrative Medicine Collaborative
Build a community of participants and leaders actively sharing resources and best practices that promote the inclusion of evidence-based integrative medicine into family medicine education and practice.
Alex Kipp MD, MA, Chair
Johnathan Henderson, MD, Vice Chair

LGBTQ Health Collaborative
Increasing awareness, comfort, knowledge, and skills among family medicine faculty & related educators regarding health issues impacting LGBTQ people
Matt Witthaus, MD, Cochair
Jessica Lapinski, DO, Cochair

Medical Student Education Collaborative (FM-PDN)
Encouraging and supporting medical student education faculty and leaders.  houses the vibrant discussions of the previous FM-PDN listserve|
Amy Clithero-Eridon, PhD, MBA, Chair
Elizabeth Brown, MD, Chair-Elect

Minority and Multicultural Health Collaborative
Increasing the number of URM faculty, including those with leadership positions in academic family medicine and the number of URM FM students/residents
Traci Terrance, PhD, LCSW, Chair
Sarah Gerrish, MD, Cochair

MSE Academic Coordinators and Administrators Collaborative
Planning of the  track & facilitating better communication and organization of the Collaborative's activities at the MSE Conference
Melissa Owens, Cochair
Dayna Seymore, Cochair
Miranda Benson, Cochair

Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Education Collaborative 
Serves as a resource on sports medicine topics for all STFM members and helps programs integrate a longitudinal experience in sports medicine into residency.
Stephen Carek, DO, cochair
Jacqueline Yurgil, DO, cochair

New Faculty in Family Medicine Collaborative
Providing support and mentoring for new faculty members
Nicole Delgado-Salisbury, EdD, Cochair
Minakshi Shukla, MD, Cochair

Nutrition and Lifestyle Collaborative
Promoting, developing, and disseminating medical nutrition and lifestyle education, with incorporation of innovative teaching, research and mentoring
Susan Evans, MD, Cochair

Oral Health Collaborative
Oral health education and promotion for family medicine residents and medical students.
Stephanie Gill, MPH, MD, Chair

Osteopathic Collaborative
Disseminating information about obtaining and maintaining osteopathic recognition, developing osteopathic curriculum, and collaborating on osteopathic research.
Juliet Biiss, DO, Chair
Parul Chaudhri, DO, Cochair

Pharmacist Faculty Collaborative
Provide support and networking for pharmacist faculty and residents practicing in family medicine and resources on pharmacotherapy curricula to family medicine residency programs.
Suzanne Florczyk, PharmD, Chair
Megan Hull, PharmD, Chair Elect

Planetary Health Collaborative
Improving collective understanding of planetary and environmental health in family medicine. Leveraging collaboration with national and international organizations, this group fosters curricular development about climate change and health, promotes sustainable healthcare delivery, and nurtures advocacy for environmental and climate justice.
Bhargavi Chekuri, MD, Cochair
Monica DeMasi, MD Cochair

Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Collaborative
A community of point-of-care ultrasound enthusiasts promoting the exchange of ideas and collaborating on teaching POCUS in family medicine clerkships and residencies by faculty, residents, and students
Ryan Paulus, DO, cochair
Puja Dalal, MD, cochair

Practice Management Collaborative
Effectively collaborating and sharing experiences and resources to advance practice management in Family Medicine nationally, while illustrating best practices and teaching our residents how to best practice Family Medicin
John Malaty, MD, Cochair
David Vaughan, MD, Cochair
Lisa Gilbert, MD,  Secretary

Primary Care and Public Health Integration Collaborative
Embracing the vision of a future health care system where primary care clinicians and public health professionals work together in new, collaborative ways.
Somu Chatterjee, MD, MPH, Cochair
Williiam Nettleton, Cochair

Professional Well-Being Collaborative
Provide a venue to share best practices for indentifying, preventing, and treating professional burnout, especially among resident and faculty physicians
Jessica Koran-Scholl, PhD  Cochair
Parvathi Perumareddi, DO  Cochair

Rural Health Collaborative

Promoting research on rural family medicine education.
Darin Bell, MD, Cochair
Marina MacNamara, MD, MPH, Cochair

Women in Family Medicine Collaborative
A network of women in the academic family medicine that advocate for equity, & address matters that pertain to women as students, teachers, leaders

Lia Pierson Bruner, MD, cochair
Hillary Mount, MD, cochair
Katherine Putnam, cochair-elect 

Special Project Teams


Deans Associated with Family Medicine
Deans Associated with Family Medicine

Sarah Stumbar, MD, MPH
Magdalena Pasarica, MD, PhD

Faculty Competencies Steering Committee Special Project Team

The Faculty Competencies Steering Committee is developing and vetting a framework of developmental competencies for interdisciplinary faculty teaching in family medicine. This steering committee is a subgroup of the STFM Faculty Development Collaborative

Family and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention and Education Special Project Team
The Family and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Special Project Team will expand how healthcare providers can prevent family and intimate partner violence (IPV) by identifying and responding to not only survivors but also the person causing harm. Our first team project will be to synthesize evidence-based interventions, clinical guidelines, and expert opinion to develop and share educational curricula on IPV perpetration. We hope to develop family and IPV research collaborations among STFM members.
Vijay Singh MD MPH MS, Cochair
Peter F. Cronholm, MD, MSc, Cochair

Group Medical Visits Special Project Team
This interdisciplinary team serves to create a curriculum on how to design, begin, and maintain group medical visits in primary care practices

Health Policy and Advocacy Special Project Team
Developing an online advocacy curriculum.

Immunization Education Special Project Team
Working on the Shots Immunizations App for smartphones, tablets, and PCs

Longitudinal Early Phase Primary Care Experiences Special Project Team 
Engage in research about longitudinal early phase clinical programs and serve as a connection point for program leaders.

Physical Examination and Webside Manner in Telemedicine Special Project Team

Private Teams


STFM Board of Directors

STFM Communications Committee

STFM Foundation Trustees and Officers

STFM Foundation Board

STFM Graduate Medical Education Committee

STFM Medical Student Education Committee

STFM Program Committee

STFM Research Committee