Integrated Care


Blount, A. (1998). (Ed.). Integrated Primary Care: The Future of Medical and Mental Health Collaboration. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998.
This book describes the early conceptualization and rationale for integrated care, written well before there was much published on the topic. The visionary review of collaboration models, the advantages of collaborative care for a variety of special populations, and a discussion about training allows this book to stand the test of time.

Cummings, N.A. Cummings, J.L., & Johnson, J.N. Eds. (1997). Behavioral health in primary care: A guide for clinical integration. Madison, WI: Psychosocial Press. 
A seminal book describing and promoting various models of integrated and collaborative care. Its contributors include many of the early proponents for integrated care and there is discussion of foundational principles, relevant research as well as implications for training.

James, L., O'Donohue, W. Eds. (2009). The primary care toolkit: Practical resources for the integrated behavioral health care provider. New York: Springer.
Well-described by the title, this book brings together a number of seasoned collaborative care clinicians and researchers. Part 1 is a guide for getting started; Part 2 consists of guidelines, assessments and patient handouts for a wide variety of specific, commonly presenting problems in primary care.

Mason P, and Butler P. (2010) Health Behavior Change: A Guide for Practitioners (Second Edition) Elsevier.
This edition of the popular text on motivational interviewing is updated with research findings compiled since the publication of the 1999 original.

Miller, W., Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing people for change. New York: Guilford Press.
This classic text on motivational interviewing examines the question of how people change and describes the ‘spirit’ and foundation of MI. It provides the reader with background from which the core components can be learned, and it explores the application of MI among various problems and populations.

O’Donohue, W.T. Cummings, N.A., Cucciare, M. A., Runyan, C. N., and Cummings, J. L. (2006). Integrated Behavioral Healthcare: A Guide to Effective Intervention. New York: Humanities Books.
A good resource discussing operational challenges and opportunities of integrated care as well as core knowledge for various disciplines working in collaborative care. The authors have all practiced in integrated primary care settings and offer the reader specific tools and interventions for commonly presenting problems in primary care such as anxiety disorders, substance use, chronic illness and childhood behavioral problems.

O'Donohue, W., Byrde, M., Cummings, N., Henderson, D. (2005) Behavioral integrative care: Treatments that work in the primary care setting. New York: Brunner-Rutledge.
This thorough book is strong on evidence, explaining rationale and systems challenges, and problem-specific strategies. It is especially good for behavioral health aspects of medical problems, e.g. obesity, diabetes, headaches, and asthma. There are also strong chapters on adherence and managing suicidal and parasuicidal behavior.

Robinson, P., Gould, D., Strosahl, K. (2010). Real behavior change in primary care: improving patient outcomes and increasing job satisfaction. Oakland: New Harbinger.

This guide emphasizes acceptance-based strategies compatible with a 10-minute physician-patient interaction. It is heavy with case examples, handouts and worksheets for patients, and the rationale for an approach based on acceptance commitment therapy.

Robinson, P., Reiter, J. (2007). Behavioral consultation and primary Care: A guide to integrating services. New York: Springer.
A complete guide to a specific but widely adopted model of consultative behavioral health care. The authors provide tables with handy facts and interventions, summaries of each chapter and digitalized patient handouts on a CD-ROM.

Robinson, P., Wischman, C., Del Vento, A. (1996) Treating depression in primary care: A manual for mental health providers. Reno: Context Press.
Though pre-PHQ-9, this handbook has good patient handouts, good material on psychopharmacology for mental health providers, and several chapters on co-located integrated care.

Seaburn, D., Lorenz, A., Gunn, W., Gawinski, B., Mauksch, L. (1996). Models of collaboration: A guide for mental health professionals working with health care practitioners. New York: Basic Books.
A complete text of many of the pioneers of collaborative care.

Stuart, MR, Lieberman, J.A. (2008). The fifteen minute hour: therapeutic talk in primary care. New York, NY: Saunders.
Listed on the best seller list of the Society of Family Medicine since its introduction in 1986, this book covers the basic principles of biopsychosocial medicine, incorporating useful knowledge from psychology and psychotherapy. It also offer a specially designed model for brief therapeutic interactions, the BATHE.


Alexander, C. L., Arnkoff, D. B., Glass, C. R. (2010), Bringing Psychotherapy to Primary Care: Innovations and Challenges. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 17: 191–214.
This piece includes an overview of literature on the effectiveness of psychotherapies adapted for primary care.

Pisani, LeRoux and Siegel (2011). Educating Residents in Behavioral Health Care and Collaboration: Integrated Clinical Training of Pediatric Residents and Psychology Fellows, Academic Medicine, 86: 166-72.

This article describes the joint training program developed by The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and Rochester General Hospital in which pediatric residents and postdoctoral psychology fellows train and practice together. The integrated program provides children access to BH care in a primary care setting and gives trainees the opportunity to integrate collaborative BH care into their regular practice routines. They propose that educating residents and psychology trainees side by side in collaborative BH care is clinically and educationally valuable and potentially applicable to other settings.

Barsky,A.J. (1981). Hidden reasons some patients visit doctors: sociologic cause, embarrassment. Ann Intern Med, 94, 492-498.
This covers basics. From the abstract: “Patients obviously visit physicians seeking medical diagnosis and treatment. Yet they also obtain medical consultation because of upsetting events, social isolation, psychiatric disorder, and desire for health information. There are four clinical situations that should lead physicians to suspect these non-biomedical reasons for a visit, each with an area of historical inquiry that may be helpful.”

Butler M, Kane RI, McAlpine D, Kathol, RG, Fu SS, Hagedorn H, Wilt TJ. Integration of Mental Health/Substance Abuse and Primary Care No. 173 AHRQ Publication No. 09-E003. Rockville, MD. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. October 2008.
This 266-page document describes models of integration and reviews the evidence compiled.

Robinson, P., Strosahl, K. (2009) Behavioral health consultation and primary care: lessons learned. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 16:58-71
Robinson and Strosahl describe common missteps and pitfalls, and ways to avoid them.


Online Resources

The Collaborative Family Healthcare Association
"CFHA promotes a comprehensive and cost-effective model of healthcare delivery that integrates mind and body, individual and family, patients, providers, and communities."

The Academy of Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care sponsored by AHRQ
This site will function as both a coordinating center and a national resource for people committed to delivering comprehensive, integrated healthcare.

The SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS)

Promotes the development of integrated primary and behavioral health services. It's purpose is to be a national technical assistance program for integrated care by providing individual coaching, learning communities, webinars, web-based resources, curriculum, toolkits, guidelines and fact sheets for integrated care.

Integrated Primary Care Website
A comprehensive portal for information related to the rationale for integrated and collaborative care, it links to various books and articles on the evidence for integrated care, trainings for providers, and more.

Mountainview Consulting
Site managed by Kirk Stosahl and Patti Robinson includes discussions and downloadable documents, e.g. program and patient evaluation tools and effectiveness research.