
Stewart M., Brown J.B., Weston W.W., McWhinney I.R., McWilliam C.L., Freeman T.R. (1995). Patient-centered medicine: Transforming the clinical method (second edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Perhaps dated, but still one of the few if only books specifically on this subject. It covers theory, research and teaching.



Epperly, T. (2011). The patient centered medical home in the U.S.A. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, Apr;17(2):373-5.
A good, recent descriptive overview.

Kessler, R, Stafford, D, Messier, R. (2009) The problem of integrating behavioral health in the medical home and the questions it leads to. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 16:4-22.
"This paper will identify the elements that need to be changed in order for psychology to be integrated into medicine rather than excluded from its policy, planning and operations."

Runyan, CN. Psychology can be indispensable to health care reform and the patient-centered medical home. Psychological Services. 2011;8(2):53-68.
An up-to-date description on Health Reform and Integrated care, as well as what needs to be considered in the training of Integrated Behavioral Health providers.

Peek, C.J. (2010). Building a medical home around the patient: What it means for behavior. Families, Systems, & Health, 28(4), 322-333.
An article by one of the filed's greatest thought leaders exploring what it means to be patient-centered in a medical home.


Online Resources

American Academy of Family Physicians: Patient-Centered Medical Home
The site for this AAFP initiative consists of five sections: Practice Organization, Health Information Technology, Quality, Measures, Patient Experience, and Family Medicine.

NCQA Physician Practice Connections
The National Committee for Quality Assurance site on criteria for PCMH certification.

Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative: Joint Principles of the Patient-Centered Medical Home 
From the website: "The Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) is a coalition of major employers, consumer groups, patient quality organizations, health plans, labor unions, hospitals, clinicians and many others who have joined together to develop and advance the patient-centered medical home (PCMH)." See specifically the section on behavioral health.