With the focus on behavioral science in health education, training and clinical practice, the dissemination of scholarly activity and medical education research serves as an opportunity to further integrate behavioral science into family medicine as well as obtain professional development in this field. We have identified conferences relevant in the promotion of behavioral science.
The Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine
This conference provides networking opportunities, professional development sessions, and advancement in the integration of behavioral science in family medicine training. It is designed for physicians, behavioral scientists/coordinators and allied health professionals in family medicine education. It occurs annually in Chicago in the Fall (mid to late September). The conference is sponsored by the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Department of Family Medicine and Community Health as well as recognized and endorsed by the Society of Teachers in Family Medicine. Proposals are usually submitted in February/March.
STFM Annual Spring Conference
The Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM), founded in 1967, responds to the needs of family medicine educators, which includes medical school professors, preceptors, residency program faculty, residency program directors and all involved in family medicine education. STFM’s core purpose is to advance family medicine to improve health through a community of teachers and scholars. Its annual conference includes plenary speakers addressing issues facing academic family medicine, workshops and other skill-building and informational sessions. Most importantly, the conference is an opportunity for individuals with special interests to come together, share information, and plan their activities. The annual conference is held in late April/early May and rotates locations throughout the country. Proposals for the annual conference are submitted in September. STFM also sponsors several smaller and content-specific conferences throughout the year.
Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Annual Conference
The Collaborative Family Healthcare Association (CFHA) is a member-based, member-driven collaborative organization. CFHA promotes a comprehensive and cost-effective model of healthcare delivery that integrates mind and body, individual and family, patients, providers and communities. CFHA achieves this mission through education, training, partnering, consultation, research and advocacy. CFHA hosts a leading-edge conference every year and is active in every other aspect of healthcare change: development, design, delivery and assessment. The annual conference is held in October and rotates locations throughout the country. Proposals are submitted in March/April.
Family Medicine Education Consortium Annual Meeting
The Family Medicine Education Consortium, Inc. (FMEC) is a not-for-profit corporation which supports the educational and scholarly needs of its members. FMEC was founded by a Board of Family Medicine Chairs and Residency Directors from the northeast region of the US to encourage and support collaboration among our Family Medicine Residency Programs and Departments of Family Medicine. FMEC also seeks to create linkages with organizations interested in the growth of family medicine such as foundations, state agencies, and corporations with a special interest in strengthening primary care. The annual conference, now called the FMEC Northeast Region Meeting, is held in the Fall at various locations throughout the northeast; it remains affiliated with both STFM and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Conference proposals are usually submitted in May.
The Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
The Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) is a multidisciplinary, non-profit organization founded in 1978 whose core philosophy is that when nursing, psychology, medicine and public health form an interdisciplinary team, new perspectives emerge on human behavior, health and illness. SBM has created the premiere scientific forum for over 2,000 behavioral and biomedical researchers and clinicians to study the interactions of behavior, physiological and biochemical states, and morbidity and mortality. SBM provides the many disciplines represented with an interactive network for education and collaboration on common research, clinical and public policy concerns related to prevention, diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation, and health promotion. The annual conference is held in April or May, and rotates locations throughout the country. Proposals are usually submitted in September.
International Conference on Communication in Healthcare
The American Academy of Communication in Healthcare (AACH) is an organization focused on communication and relationships. Its members cut across many disciplines, from RNs to CEOs of health systems, practicing physicians, teachers, researchers and students. For more than 30 years, the AACH has been in the forefront of research and teaching relationship-centered healthcare communication. The International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) is the largest annual gathering of researchers, educators and administrators from around the globe to focus on improving communication in healthcare.
Balint Leadership Training Intensives
This training offers practical, experiential learning opportunities for those who are currently leading or hope to lead Balint groups. At Balint Intensives, a series of nine or more small group sessions occur with a fixed cohort over the course of three and a half days, each led by two faculty members who are credentialed Balint leaders. Each cohort records a Balint group and reviews their video. Other discussion topics include addressing critical issues of Balint work across settings and at different points in the development of Balint groups. Balint Leader Intensives are also part of the process of becoming a credentialed Balint Leader.
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