The patient-in-context section covers many of the psycho-social areas of the biopsychosocial model of care. Medical providers need to consider these contexts when assessing and addressing their patients clinical problems in order to provide quality care.This section provides resources related to the sociocultural determinants of health, family systems, family curriculum, life span/development and spirituality. To access pertinent STFM Resource Library searches for presentations, click on the links that are outlined in brown in the previous sentence.
We practice in an increasingly multicultural world, whether we see patients in our home clinics or in other settings. Health care providers need to be aware of the sociocultural differences, similarities, and experiences that cross cultures and families and that impact on health and health care. We need to understand the role of families and caregivers and how they contribute to and are affected by illness and health. We need to be aware of the individual and family stages of development and related stressors to provide guidance and perspective to patients and families. And lastly, we need to be sensitive to patients' spiritual needs and acknowledge that spirituality can be a source of solace and healing for our patients and ourselves.